Thursday, December 14, 2017

Customer Service

With the Holiday Season in full swing and business filled with Holiday Help, many of which hope will turn into Full Time jobs, I want to reflect on Customer Service.

I ask the Simple Question, "What Has Happened To Customer Service"?

Providing Great Customer Service is NOT HARD!  You simply need to treat your customers like YOU would like to be treated in the same situation.

I have Extensive Experience and have trained Large Groups in Major Companies in Customer Service.  It is NOT Brain Surgery!
It is all about Listening and showing Empathy toward the Customer's Concerns.  Your attitude should make the customer Happy they chose to use your service.

I saw this Customer Service Flow Chart and Agree  with it 100%!

I was motivated to write this blog based on an experience I had last week at a Las Vegas Casino.

I was playing a Numbers Game called "KENO" which is one of the worst odds games in the casino but for $1 you have the chance to win big.  ( It's like playing the Lotto )  And one of the "Newer" KENO writers was what I felt was RUDE to me.  Well, OK, she was Very Rude to me!  I live in Las Vegas, there are MANY casinos where I can go to spend my "Gambling Budget".  I walked out of that Casino for the LAST TIME that night as I will NOT spend another nickel at that establishment. 
Having worked in a Casino in Management, I totally understand that in a Casino you are "Selling an experience".  99.9% of the guests are NEVER going to Win Big.  But what you are there to do as an employee is to make sure the guests ( your customers ) are Having A Good Time!   You want everyone who walks through the front door to think they are the Most Important Person To Walk In That Day!  Guess What, THEY ARE! 

I sent an E-Mail to the Casino General Manager and also to the Owners of this Casino Chain ( whom I have crossed paths with at various Charity Events over the years ) Detailing my experience.  Both the KENO Manager and the Casino General Manager to their credit called me the next day with their apologies.   But, that does not change my attitude of spending another nickel in the place.  Sadly, there are several of my "Favorite" Casino employees and people I even consider friends, who work at this location.   In this case, and in ANY Poor Customer Service Experience, I let my money speak Loudly for me!

On the OTHER side of the Customer Service Coin this Holiday Season is a business which Never gets the "Appreciation" they are due.  The United States Post Office!
Full Disclosure Notice here, My Father, worked for the Post Office for 30 years.  The Post Office put me and my two Sisters through College and put food on our table.

That said, I do not think most people realize the Extra Hours Required, Missed Days Off and Extended Hours they work just so your Christmas Cards and Packages get to your home in time for Christmas.   I spoke briefly to my Mail Carrier Rey yesterday as he brought a package to my door about 4pm and I could see he was just beat.  He told me had been schedule to start the past two weeks Ninety Minutes Before his usual start time and was putting in ten hour days and working six days a week through Christmas.  OK, I can hear a few of you saying "Well, I am sure he is being paid well to do it"!  Yes, I am sure he can use the money as he has Two Daughters in College at UNLV, one a Medical Student.  But as you grow older you realize that given the choice of having "More Money or More Time", nine out of ten people would rather have more time. 

One of my "Show Biz Friends" told me a few months ago that his Doctor's have told him that he will probably not live more than about six months.  This friend, a Multi-Millionaire many times over, said to me "Dan, I worked six and seven one night stands a week for over thirty years and made a lot of money.  But I would trade it all if I just had another few years, or even months to spend with my Wife, Kids and Grandkids."   Always Remember that "Time Is Something You Cannot Buy With Any Amount Of Money".

It is shaping up to be a busy end of the year and so I want to leave you with this greeting from Online Developer Paul Mark Sutherland
From my family to yours I wish you a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Safe and Healthy New Year. 

Twitter:    @itsdano

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