Thursday, June 21, 2018

When Will It End?

When  will the Liberal Democrats QUIT Resisting and Obstructing and start Co-Operating?

Liberal Democrats want 100% Open Borders.  Why?

Because they see it as a way to add voters to their Dying Party.

Do we want MILLIONS of people, most who do not speak English streaming into our country, taking our jobs and ending up on Welfare rolls which the Hard Working Tax Payers end up paying to support?

And to show you how Bias the Mainstream Media is, look at this Time Magazine cover.
I have seen this all over Mainstream Media, but WHY?

Time Magazine is No  Longer a Relevant Publication!    When was the Last Time you bought a Time Magazine?   Do you even KNOW anyone who subscribes?  This TASTELESS Photo-Shopped Cover is an INSULT to our President and Our Country!

Did you know it is a Federal Offence to Physically Threaten an Elected Official or their Family?  This includes the President and his family.
So why isn't  Peter Fonda in Prison?   In a Twitter Post Fonda made the remark that someone should "Rape Melania and Barron Trump should be kidnapped and put in a cage with Pedophiles!"
If  he said that about Your Wife and Child you would be at Peter Fonda's Malibu Estate's front gate!   Talk about "White  Privilege"!   Both CNN and Fox News checked the files and there were NEVER such Rude and Illegal threats made against Michelle Obama or their children!  Double Standard by the mainstream media?  What else would you call it?  And he made another Illegal Tweet today!
He belongs in jail!

Have A Great Day!

So Much Talent In Vegas

I know it has been a couple of weeks since my last blog.  I have been under the weather big time but am feeling better.  I also have an appo...