Friday, June 8, 2018

A Sad Week For Many

This week we lost two forward thinkers to suicide, Kate Spade and Anthony  Bourdain.
Designer Kate Spade, whose accessories have filled  women's closets for many years  ended her life.   One  thing I found  out about Ms  Spades was she was Married to former Saturday Night Lives' David Spade's  Brother!   A great talent now lost forever.

We also lost Celebrity Chef Anthony Bourdain who ended his life alone in a Paris hotel  room.
Both he and Spade seemed to have the World On A String but their Depression told them otherwise.

Why do people end their own life?  Several years ago  following my  first stroke I found myself prescribed  to a medicine which one of the side effects read "May cause thoughts of suicide".   Honestly, it did and only  through my faith and love of my wife, my family and my friends was I able to make it through the first weeks  of the medicine that allows me mobility. 

If you are not blessed with strong  family and  friend support  and you have thoughts the world would be better without you, I  URGE you to contact The National Suicide Prevention Line at


According to The National Center Of Disease Control just this week released a report that says on the Average Day,  One Hundred Twenty Three people A DAY take their own life in the United States.   If you have a Friend or Family Member that appear to be at the end  of their rope, Say Something, Do  Something!

From Fox News today comes this devastating news, Fox Correspondent Charles Krauthammer , announced  today that he has just weeks  to live.   
The  Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist and noted  columnist  has been battling  Cancer for over a year and though he had won his battle until a few weeks  ago.  Many do not know he was a  noted Physiologist who had been paralyzed since he was in  college when he dove into a pool head  first and broke his neck.   He called it right down  the middle and will be missed. 

The Stanley Cup Playoffs are now over with The Washington Capitols taking the cup from The Las Vegas Knights.
What many people who do not live here in Las Vegas as I do, the Golden  Knights helped save our city.  They started play just as the Worst Mass Shooting in American History took place back on One October.  They were Las Vegas's Team, which helped this city heal in a very difficult time.   They set Dozens of Records, including to be the first  expansion team to reach the Stanley Cup Finals in their first year of existence.   They drew record crowds with people lining up at 4am to get a seat to see their practice.   Thanks Knights for making a difference in our city.  Even if it did cost me a $50 Win had they won the cup!  

It's Friday, which got me thinking?
Sounds good to me!

I won't bore you with my problems but it has been a Tough Health Week!
Next Week, I have the fun of meeting with a Doctor everyday!  Woo Woo!

Next week is The US Open in golf.  Believe it or not there are people who Actually Think Tiger Woods can win!  Look at the odd here in Las Vegas.
I will not waste my money on a bet on Tiger!   The Good News for Tiger is he has a nice ride to get to the tourney.
Weather he Wins or Yacht!  

My Sister this week paid Big Money to go see the play "Hamilton" for the third or forth time, including once in New York on Broadway.  
SPOILER ALERT:  Arron Burr still dies!   

Personally, I am waiting for the "Real Hamilton" play.
I can see the headlines now, "Hamilton Beats Perry".  (  for those under 30, Google it )

Did you see where Las Vegas was voted the Forth Worst City To Live?

Trust Me, I moved here from Chicago.  Las Vegas is a Great Place  to Live!

Do you think this was Photo-shopped or are some people Really this Dumb?
Was this taken in front of a Wal-Mart?  

Speaking of Wal-Mart.  I was in my favorite store yesterday and there was a Thirty Something Mother in the store with what appeared  to be her two Daughters.
I have  often believed there  is No Skirt Too Short or No Shorts Too Short!  Well, when I saw this lady and her Daughters, I take back what I  have said.  Who would go out in shorts so short and what Mother would take her Daughters, guessing 12 and 15, out in  public wearing the same?  
I was not sure if she was in the store Buying or SELLING!  

Although, if  you are coming to Las Vegas this weekend you might want to pack those Short Shorts!
Thanks to Fox Five Chief Meteorologist Ted Pretty for the seven day graphics.   And remember, he does not MAKE the Weather,  he just Reports it! 

Have A Great Weekend!  

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Monday, June 4, 2018

Thoughts On Life In General

Every so often I take a few minutes to reflect on Life Itself.  As I look around and see former Co-Workers and others slide into their Golden Years in failing health, it makes me take stock in my life.

It also make me re-evaluate who my friend are and also why should I still consider some of them to be friends?

Unlike many people, I would NEVER Un-Friend a "Real" friend on Facebook or Twitter due to their political views.
I Respect everyone's Right to their own personal views, agree or disagree.  Who is to say if Their Views or My Views are the Correct Ones?

This week has been a Life Changing Week on Twitter.
First there was the Racist Remarks meant to be a joke by Rosanne Barr.
I first met Rosanne Barr in 1985 when she was my Regular Waitress at George McKelvy's Comedy Club in Denver.  Rosanne's Husband at the time, Bill Pentland, was a "House Comedian" at the club who would warm up the crowd for the Headliner.   Bill, was a Great Guy and the perfect warm  up act as he was Funny without getting in the way of the Headliner.   Rosanne, was given the chance to get up on open mike nights and eventually do an eight minute routine each night in addition to her waitress duties.  Her "Domestic Goddess" routine was hilarious!   Then in 1988 she got her big break with her hit television show "Rosanne".   Two years later she Divorced Bill who honestly, I liked Far Better Personally than I ever liked Rosanne!
The Bottom Line with Rosanne and her Hit Television Re-Boot is Rosanne cost over 100 people their jobs with her STUPID RACIST Tweet in the Middle of The Night!  I feel for them and their families as losing her job will not cause Rosanne to miss any meals.

While Disney Entertainment, which owns ABC, ESPN and other Entertainment Outlets, did the Right Thing, many conservatives feel different.
President Trump said he feels ABC Owes him and apology for things the network has made about  him.  This honestly is something I am conflicted about.  While ABC and ESPN have made some Brutal and Un-True about the President, he is a public figure and that is something he should expect.

When it comes to the Rude and Obscene things said by TBS's Samantha Bee, that is an entirely different story!
On her BASIC CABLE Show she said of President Trump's Daughter Ivanka calling her a “Feckless Cunt”.  If you do not know the meaning of "Feckless: it is defined as Weak and Ineffective. 
So why has she NOT BEEN FIRED?  She claimed that she was caught up in the moment, however, she made the Exact Same Remarks in Prior Rehearsals.  In my limited Episodic Television experience, there was always a "Standards and Practices" person on set who  would often require scrips to be changed to meet Accepted Guidelines by the Federal Communication Commission and the Network.  So where was Standards and Practices?   Even Late Night ( after 10pm ) this type of Vulgarity does NOT BELONG on Basic Cable!  

I was Shocked and Very Sad when I read Sally Field's tweet concerning the Rude and Disgusting Samantha Bee remarks about President Trump's Daughter, Ivanka.

If you have not read her Tweet, I warn you to Be Prepared!

I like Samantha Bee a lot, but she is flat wrong to call Ivanka a cunt.

Cunts are powerful, beautiful, nurturing and honest.

I expected Kathy Griffen to support Samantha Bee but Sally Field?  Is Hollywood became So Liberal they have lost their Morals and Good Taste?  I think the answer is clear!

Don't get me wrong, I Believe In Free Speech!
Facebook has said they  are now "Removing offensive stories from their site."  Strange, I still see TONS of Anti-Trump stories and yet I have had Links To My Blog which including Pro-Trump stories REMOVED with no explanation!  Who is in charge?  Obviously someone who in NOT Supportive of President Trump.  That is why I encourage regular readers to Subscribe to my blog ( YES, It Is Free ) so Social Media Censorship will not get in the way of Fairness.

This heat is Offensive!
While it is Hot this week, it will get A LOT HOTTER in the next few months!

I always welcome  your feedback. 

Thanks for reading. 

So Much Talent In Vegas

I know it has been a couple of weeks since my last blog.  I have been under the weather big time but am feeling better.  I also have an appo...