Friday, August 17, 2018

Friday Funnies

I was asked the other day if My Blog has cost me a lot of friends?  The answer is "No, as when I am with friends at dinner of whatever, politics are Never Discussed!"    I respect everyone's views and why tell my friends, or anyone, their view is wrong?  Maybe my views are the ones which are wrong?

Don't Forget The Second Most Popular Wedding Date This Year is Tomorrow!

On to the Friday Funnies!

Is this how your week has gone?

I am amazed on how much time and money people spend training their pet.

I plan on investing in Two Hundred of these vending machines.  I see it being the next Redbox!
I think I can make Millions!

Have you ever had one of these days?

Did you hear what the Pirate said on his 80th Birthday?
"Aye Matey"

Things have changed so much over the years......

It is hard to imagine but Christmas is just 129 days away!
Good Question?

There have always been rumors that Santa's Reindeer have been abused.
But I have heard they always get their revenge!

When you stop and think about
Life is much better if you have a sense of humor.   It really is!

The next Best thing to Casual Friday's? 

Yes, I really did look like thise
But it was a few years ago!

There is so much truth in this sign!

My Gated Community has a private pool.
All Summer long I have thought about posting photos of the bathers at my pool.   So By Request, I was able to sneak my camera in to get some shots.
Did I tell you I live in a Senior's Only Gated Community? 

REMEMBER:   Be sure and look out for my new vending machines. 
I just put over $4000 into repairs of my car!

I always Welcome your Feedback



So Much Talent In Vegas

I know it has been a couple of weeks since my last blog.  I have been under the weather big time but am feeling better.  I also have an appo...