Friday, December 1, 2017

Sexual Harassment Gone Wild

The first thing I want to make Very Clear is there is NO PLACE in today's society where "Sexual Harassment" is acceptable!

Using one's power to put pressure on someone or making un-wanted sexual advancements or touching is just plain WRONG!

Alabama's Senator Roy Moore is a Prime Example of power going to your head.
All your heads!   Does this photo look like he is practicing his best Senator Al Franken impersonation?
Why is it if the Senator or Congressman is a Republican the Democrats SCREAM for resignations and if it is a Democrat we hear "Well, he apologized!"

And if HALF the allegations against NBC Today Show Host, Matt Lauer is true
how did he keep his $20 Million Dollar a Year Job So Long?

A Professional Poker Player friend of mine told me that just a few years ago it was acceptable to ask a woman out over and over until she said yes or you would just get tired of asking and her telling you no.   He told me one of his friends was "Threatened" with a Sexual Harassment Lawsuit for asking his Assistant out twice.  Is this over-reacting or just that the times are changing?  I don't know the answer but I do know if a woman, or a man are uncomfortable with you doing or saying something, DON'T DO IT!

What was once "Acceptable" is no longer.
The days of a "Woman's Place Is In The Home", is No longer the case.

I am going to "Stay Out Of The Weeds" when it comes to The White House and other political issues like Michael Flynn.
All the Speculation and "Leaks" are Not good for our country.  I lived through the turmoil that was Watergate.  With Social Media as it is, Rumors and just plain Lies get repeated over and over and Fiction can become Facts!   

Think of the Party game when you "Whisper" a story to the next person and they to the next and so on and so on.  At the end of ten or more people the story is 100% Different! 

The same thing happens with Social Media. 

Is it OK to let pets near your computer?
Perhaps not?

Fifty Years ago I had three friends "Go Missing and Disappear Without A Trace" while exploring a cave located directly across the street from where I lived.  Joey and his Brother Billy Hoag and their friend Craig Dowell told friends they were going to explore one of the hundreds of caves in the area and were never heard from again.

Over the years there have been many theories of what happen to the boys, from Abduction to Lost In The Cave.  In two weeks one of the most comprehensive accounts of what happen that fateful day in Hannibal, Missouri will be published.
Author John Wingate, also a friend of the "Lost Boys" has devoted several years of his life putting together this spellbinding account.  On a personal note I have always wondered what happened to my friends.  No bodies were ever found in the cave, no ransom note not a trace of these boys.  So What Happened? 

John's book will be available at Amazon.Com on December 15th.  A Great "Stocking Suffer" if you know someone who grew up in Hannibal, Missouri and a Great Read if you enjoy a good Non-Fiction Mystery.  I highly recommend this book.

This week North Korean Nutjob, Kim Jung Un, fired yet another missile.
The biggest difference with this weeks' launch is the distance this missile flew.  North Korea now has the ability to fire a Nuclear Missile that will reach ANYWHERE in the world!
This includes striking a target ANYWHERE in the United States!
I keep hearing friends say "Oh he would never fire one aimed at the United States as it would be a Death Wish."  Well, this Nutjob does not care as he is quickly losing control of his country.

So what if he fired one at Washington?  It would take about 18 minutes to reach the United States and according to top military experts we would have two shots at interception.  If he fired several missiles, the chances of intercept would become less of a given.

And our retaliation?   Best case scenario it would take 15 minutes for our missiles to reach North Korea and would kill Millions of innocent people.  Once the United States would fire missiles, Kim Jung Un would unleash a barrage of missiles aimed at Seoul, South Korea.  In less than five minutes, North Korea's missiles would murder over Five Million Innocent people.

The answer lies in the last line of the 1983 movie "War Games" by the computer Joshua
" A strange game. The only winning move is not to play. How about a nice game of chess?

I choose Chess!

Overall I am $50 ahead on my NFL Wagers this season.  I lost two games in the last thirty seconds of the game which would had given me a $900 parlay win.  But that is why they call it Gambling.   
This week I see my favorite team, The Kansas City Chiefs, "Squeaking" by the New York Jets.  The "Jets" are an improved team and tough at home.   My other picks

*   Detroit over Baltimore
*   Miami over Denver

and my Upset of The Week

*   Buffalo over New England

And for those who have asked, I spend $20 a week on a 3 Team Round Robin Bet. 

Do you have all your Holiday Shopping Complete?

I have finished buying for my Wife, always the toughest!

Need some ideas?

For My Catholic Friends
And what do I expect this year?  Same as usual!

Have A Great Weekend!

I always welcome your feedback 



Sunday, November 26, 2017

Dinner With Las Vegas Legends

I will admit that I live a fun life and get to do so many things which most people will never enjoy.

Saturday my friend, Magician Mike Michaels, invited me to dinner with a couple of Las Vegas Legends.  I dined with Disco Star of the 70's & 80's, Monti Rock III, and arguably the Best Comedic Magician In The World, "The Amazing Johnathan" !

At 79, Monti Rock III, who you will remember as "Disco Tex and The Sex-O-Lets" from Saturday Night Fever with the Number One Hit, "Get Dancin" STILL Lights Up A Room when he enters!

(If you have forgotten, click on the link below)

The stories this man can tell will have you mesmerized for hours! 

I also suggest you watch a brief documentary on Monti at the link below.

And as a person, you will not meet a Nicer Man!  Here is a Mega-Star in the Entertainment Industry who meets me for the first time and treats me like he has known me all his life.   I am already looking forward to my Next Monti Rock III experience! 

In addition, my friend Mike also had heard from Me and one of his friends Bill, how big of fan I was of "The Amazing Johnathan". 
If you are unfamiliar with his work, check out this video.

 Or one of his many appearance on Late Night With David Letterman

A couple of years ago Johnathan was only given a couple months to live due to a Heart Ailment.  Through diet, exercise and Hard Work he was able to build up his strength and schedule some performance again.  The Las Vegas performances were the week I was gone visiting family back East!  BUMMER!   But thanks to Mike, Bill and also Richard who are all personal friends of The Amazing One, he also came to dinner.
I am sad to say that Johnathan is once again having health issues and has had to postpone all his appearances until at least February.   Here is another Legend who did not know me from Adam, who was Funny, Witty, Cordial and treated me as if he had known me for years.   

If you are ever around people in the Entertainment Industry, you will know that they don't sit around making jokes and talking about how Great they are, they talk about life.  They talk of their friends, their families and what is important in their world. 

This evening meant so much to me on both a personal level in getting to meet these Superstars, to a more Private One knowing that my friends World Renowned Magician Mike Michaels, Master Illusion Builder Bill, and others had taken the time and effort to make this evening one I will not soon forget. 

My thoughts and Prayers are with Johnathan as he once again battles his life changing health crisis.

Did you eat Too Much over the Holiday Weekend?  If so, you will appreciate this.

I have good friends back home in Hannibal, Missouri who would NOT think Thanksgiving was complete without their Favorite dish!
Just the sight of the can makes your mouth water doesn't it?

Happy Birthday this weekend to Comedian and Impressionist Rich Little!
At 79 years Young he is still knocking em dead at The Tropicana Resort and Casino in Las Vegas.  He performs four nights a week inside the Intimate setting of the Laugh Factory Comedy Club.

I saw the show a few months back and it was Non-Stop Laughter! 
Happy Birthday Rich!

Once again I want to say just how Lucky and Blessed I am for having some great friends from all walks of life.   I am fortunate that here I was a Small Town Boy who wanted to be on the radio, was given the Talent and also some Lucky breaks that gave me the life I am now able to enjoy in retirement here in Las Vegas. 

No matter What You Do, I encourage you to Do It Well and Enjoy the life you have been given. 

Have A Great Week!

I always Welcome your Feedback



So Much Talent In Vegas

I know it has been a couple of weeks since my last blog.  I have been under the weather big time but am feeling better.  I also have an appo...