Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Liberal Resisters: What Is Your End Game?

The Liberal Democrats decided on a policy the  day after Donald J Trump was elected President.  RESIST! RESIST! RESIST!
RESIST EVERY Cabinet Nomination, Every Policy, Every Appointment!
The President could introduce a law that gives everyone Free Healthcare and Cures Cancer and the Liberal Democrats would STILL RESIST IT!

The Second Liberal Policy is to "Blame President Trump" for EVERYTHING BAD that happens in the world.
The Waffle House Shooting?  It was President Trump's fault as Trump is a Racist and the people who were shot were of color and the shooter white!

Did you see President Trump there firing any shots?  And you say it was his fault?  HOW?

And by the way, the James Comey and Andrew McCabe ran FBI and Justice Department let the shooter slip through their fingers over a year ago.
The person who drove his van down the sidewalk in Toronto killing nine people
Liberal Democrats were on "Mainstream Media" within an hour blaming President Trump!  They claim his hate speech made the driver do it!

The One Thing that President Trump does NOT get credit for is the LOWEST Unemployment Rate In History and a BOOMING ECONOMY!  Of course the Liberal Democrats give ALL the credit to President Obama!   Excuse me, there is not a Single Economist who is NOT being paid by Democrats, who gives President Obama ANY Credit! 

But what did you get?   High Mortgage Rates!   Tougher Requirements To Get A Mortgage!   Harder for Low and Middle Class American's to Open A Bank Account!

Did President Obama do ANYTHING about Gun Violence?  How about his hometown of Chicago DAILY shootings?   Did he do Anything to help Racism?   How many Confederate Statues did he demand to be taken down?  How did he do in stopping the Riots in Ferguson, Missouri? 
And Why Did President Obama Support the "Hands Up" movement before he KNEW THE FACTS?   Or DID HE KNOW and just ignored that Mike Brown tried to KILL THE OFFICER?

For those who feel President Trump is a Racist, lets remember what President Obama DID AND DID NOT DO for Race Relations while he was in office for eight years.
If You Remember ONE THING that I say, Remember This!
"When you were born, God did NOT ask you if you wanted to be Born White, Black, Chinese, Mexican, German or whatever race.  He also did NOT ask you if you wanted to be Catholic, Muslim, Christian, Budist or any of the other Hundreds of religions.
( I think I am in the top row with the mouth wide open!  Nothing has changed!  LOL )


The  Bible says "All Men Are Created Equal".  Why do so many believe otherwise?

Hate Is A Learned Emotion while Love is a Natural Emotion.   Did YOU TEACH Your Son or Daughter to hate others who are not the same color skin or background?  SHAME ON YOU!  One day you will Have To Answer To Your Maker for YOUR EVIL DEED!

We need MORE Stories like this one!
A group of teens saw a stranger's funeral procession passing by their basketball court in Franklinton, Louisiana, and they instantly paused, put down the ball and took a knee "out of honor" for the deceased and his family.

There are a group of Well Raised Kids!  Why didn't YOU Raise Your Kids to be this respect of EVERYONE?  

I have asked many Liberal Resisters, "What is your end game?  What do you hope to accomplish?"   I get replies like "Well, we need to teach the President a lesson!"  What Lesson?
California Congresswoman Maxine Waters has ONE THING in mind, "Impeach 45"!    Honestly, that will NEVER happen with the Senate and Congress currently in place.  It would take a 2/3rd Majority in both houses.  But is that something ANYONE would really like to see happen?   Do you think the United States of America as we know it today would survive?  I think not! 

The end game?  The End Game is that we ALL get along.
President Trump needs to Filer His Remarks on Twitter.
Both President Obama and President would have NEVER been elected without Social Media.  And for those who think President Trump colluded with Russia to beat Hillary Clinton, DON'T BE STUPID!   Russia's End Game was to tear our country apart from the INSIDE.  They interfered with BOTH SIDES.   Going as far as PAYING for major demonstrations both For and Against Both Trump and Clinton, often on the same day!  The person who WON the election was Russia and Putin.  

Many years ago Russian Leader Khrushchev vowed to "Defeat America not with bombs but from within".   Guess What?  Russia is doing that now.  And the Liberal Resisters are helping Putin by  continuing to try and bring down President Trump. 

OK, enough Politics!  My Advice?

Have you seen the fuss about the Royal Baby being born on Monday?
How can she look so good after just giving birth?

This sign is so true

Did you get the Flu this year?
I think the Big Winner of Flu Season is The Drug Companies!

We lost an Incredible Former First Lady in Barbara Bush this week.  Wife of  92 year old former President HW Bush.
Words cannot describe the Good Deeds and the People She Touch over the years.  Sadly, her Husband of over 70 years, President HW Bush, was admitted to the hospital the day after her funeral with a life treating virus.  

While the Former President is said to be responding well to the treatment, how can you treat a broken heart?  Our prayers go out to the family.

For some reason I was looking through my photos and I came across this photo of my Cousin Chuck.
It reminded me of my favorite REO Speedwagon Album.
It was released in 1978, before there were CD's or Digital Downloads.  "Time For Me To Fly" was a Huge Hit off the album.  And for those who wonder how we listened to music "Back in the day"
It was called a "Record Player".   And if you were from a fortunate family, you had one that played your records in "Stereo"!  
Yes, I went there!

Congratulations to Celebrity Magician Murray Sawchuck who just signed a one year extension to continue to appear at Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino.
You probably also recognize him from his appearances on The History Channel's popular show, "Pawn Stars".   Murray puts on a Very Family Friendly Show and is known in the community as a Generous Entertainer with both his time and money.  In just the past three months I have seen him at several benefits, The Celebration of Life for Vegas Legend Marty Allen, and five or six new show premier's where he was there just to celebrate another performer's success.  Not only is his show Family Friendly, it is Very Affordable to take the entire family.  I highly recommend this Afternoon Show.  

In closing 


We need to stop the In-Fighting in this country before it is too late.

I always welcome your feedback



So Much Talent In Vegas

I know it has been a couple of weeks since my last blog.  I have been under the weather big time but am feeling better.  I also have an appo...