Thursday, March 1, 2018

Just For Fun

I have had some requests to re-post some of these signs from previous blogs.
So sit back and enjoy some laughs.  And if you are offended, well, you were warned! (laughing so hard)

If this was only true!
There is NOTHING worse than a Screaming Child!

This is a photo from a Downtown Las Vegas Men's Room!
Want to guess which stall I use?  lol

Speaking of Casinos
Well she said "Press One"!  I pressed the one of the right!

There is just something about seeing Maxine Waters with her mouth wide open.  WAIT!  It's ALWAYS Wide Open!

The First $1000 Takes this Election Memorabilia!
The Pawn Stars only offered me $5!
I should have asked Chumlee instead of the Old Man!

I feel like President Trump since I got my haircut.
I got THE WORSE HAIRCUT IN MY LIFE!   I went to my normal place, and of course did not check in online first (I HATE DOING THAT).  I was told it would be a TWO HOUR WAIT!  So I went down the street to another national chain and there was no wait.  Great I thought!  WRONG!   Now that it is growing out it sticks out twenty ways from Sunday!   I think this chain should change their name to "Mediocre Cuts".  I know now why they were not busy.

I often ask my wife this question......

To say I come from a Dysfunctional Family would be an Understatement!

How many ladies do you know would have the nerve to wear this bikini?
Personally, I would rather see the real thing! 

The Sign says
Hey Wait!
The sign said "No Swimsuits"!  It did Not Say No Cameras!

Gives a whole new meaning to asking a farmer "So how big is your Zucchini?"

Not their favorite movie!

Kids!  Have times changed!

He raised over $100 in two hours!  So why do we work?

The Number One Selling Bumper Sticker in Los Angeles?

I think I will Avoid this road in the future!

This exit sign that gets a lot of attention in Washington, DC?

Any guess which Political Party paid for this sign?

A Common Question in the Maternity Ward.

A sign outside of the above Hospital!

This makes me glad I only drink "Diet Coke"!
I guess good help is hard to get?

My guess is this handyman also works at the 7-11?

Help is just a phone call away!
You also have my E-Mail Address and unlike your Doctor, I make House Calls!

When you are feeling down, there is always help available!
Who says they are NOT REAL?
I Have Proof!

I absolutely HATE when solicitors ring my doorbell!  I especially do not like the Jehovah Witness coming to my door.   This has caused some hard feelings in my household as my Wife's Niece and her Husband are very devout Jehovah Witness.  I actually OFFENDED her a couple years ago when I told her of how I deal with the JH's at my door.
I said to her, "You think I am kidding?  Come to my door and you'll see my naked ass!"  Her or her Husband have NOT Spoken to me in three years!    Oh well, Their Loss!

My attitude is "Fuck Em if they have no sense of humor!"  If you can't laugh at YOURSELF, what is your problem?  Life is Way Too Short to hold a grudge!

This church has a GREAT sense of humor!
And this one
Does that sign say what I think it says?

Here's another sign which makes me wonder if anyone takes the exit?

I know it is March but I just wanted to post this for Virginia.
Yes Virginia, Grandma DID get run over by the Reindeer!

And for all those who blame the Groundhog for the longer Winter
Are You Happy Now?

Here are words to live by at work!
Do you think the boss will understand?

For those who can't decide what sex you are
If you have a Penis, your a Man.  If you have a Vagina, guess what? You are a woman!

This is so true!
Really?  Really?

I'm gonna have a cookout on my New Grill this weekend!
Remember:  Recycle, Recycle, Recycle!


And Finally

I hope you enjoyed a laugh or two, I always welcome your feedback.



Monday, February 26, 2018

What Is Real?

When it comes to the news today, just WHAT IS REAL?

Turn on CNN, FOX News, MSNBC and you will hear THREE Totally Different Spins on the same story!  How can that be?  Don't all three networks claim to be a NEWS NETWORK?
It has not been that many years ago that when something happened, you got One Version from Walter Cronkite
And the SAME Version from Chet Huntley and David Brinkley!
And the SAME VERSION in your local paper the next afternoon.


And you NEVER heard Johnny Carson use his monologue to Slam the President or extend his Political Views!
That is NOT the case these days.  What was eight minutes of Entertainment and Jokes is now Stephen Cobert, Jimmy Kimmel and Jimmy Fallon telling you how much they HATE the President.
I am sorry guys,
I Don't Give A Rat's Ass what you think of President Trump.

At the end of a long day I want to be Entertained, NOT told your Opinion of The White House!


A Late Night Talk Show Host should NOT tell you how to think!
I do NOT want to hear BIAS OPINIONS, from EITHER SIDE, on Gun Control, Politics, Russia or ANYTHING else!  I want to be Entertained!

And if YOU find some Late Night Talk Show Host's Views Entertaining, then I FEEL SORRY FOR YOU that you do not have the INTELLIGENCE to MAKE UP YOUR OWN MIND on how you feel about today's issues!
It's time we TAKE BACK our Televisions!
We need to start thinking for OURSELVES, NOT how A Liberal or a Conservative Talking Head TELLS us how we should think!

And Help Me Understand something?
We have had guns in this country for over 200 years.  But why have we only had Mass Shootings in the Past 30 Years?

I place the blame 100% on the way Parents are Raising Their Kids!  We did not have Violent Video Games when I was young, today it is the norm!
And don't give me that  "How I raise my kid is my business" CRAP!  It IS MY BUSINESS.  Now if someone cuts me off on the road I do not dare Honk or otherwise show my displeasure.  There is a better chance than not some LOSER PARENT like you let your child play video games which show it is OK to pull out a gun and get revenge.  When was the LAST TIME, if EVER, that you actually LOOKED at the video games your child plays?  It's not your Grandmother's Pac-Man or Pong!    And don't use "I'm Busy" or "My child would never do the things for real he sees in his video games" excuse.  You are ONLY KIDDING YOURSELF! 

Remember what I have said when your teenager calls you at 3:00am and needs Bailed Out of Jail for violence!
And don't try to blame their friends.  If you want someone to blame, look in the mirror!

And if you have ANY DOUBT about today's youth, I invite you to watch "Live PD" on Friday and Saturday nights on "A&E".
This show follows six police departments "Live" from all over the country.  You will be SHOCKED by the Disrespect that Today's Youth shows authority!  And you will be Double Shocked by the number of cars they stop with people with Guns and Drugs.  What Happen America?  Using Television and Video Games as Babysitters is what happened.  I dare you to watch even one hour of "Live PD" and NOT be amazed!

Shows like "Real Housewives", "Celebrity Wife Swap", and "Sixty Days In" are NOT REAL!  And do you REALLY want your Son or Daughter to act the way some of the people of those shows act?

The Youth In This Country Have Just Gone To Hell!

Someone who will NOT have that issue is the Late Evangelist Billy Graham who passed away at the age of 99 this past week.
In all his years of preaching the gospel, NEVER ONCE was there even a HINT of controversy.   Think of the Millions of Lives he saved with the gospel in his many years in the pulpit. May he rest in peace!

The 2018 Winter Olympics have come to a close.
For me the highlights were The United States Curling team led by Skip John Schuster, won the First Ever Gold Medal in Curling.
And secondly, The Olympic Women's Hockey Team taking the Gold Medal!
And when it came to showing Good Sportsmanship in Winning or Defeat, no one showed more class than the United States.

And I can't believe that people were up in arms when United States Bobsledder,  Lauren Gibbs took a photo with First Daughter Ivanka Trump!
Who Cares?  It is an Honor to get to meet a member of The First Family, I don't care what your Political Views.

And speaking of Wacked Out Liberals, does Representative Maxine Waters EVER close her mouth?
At EVERY SINGLE SPEECH and APPEARANCE since the election she Rants to "Impeach 45"!     Why do people vote for such a Loud Mouth with only ONE MESSAGE?  Does she NOT realize it is NEVER going to happen?

Professional Golfer Tiger Woods played his Best Round of Golf in over two years this weekend at  The Honda Classic.
While I have Never been a Tiger Woods fan, I am glad that he has been able to compete Pain Free so far this year.  Do I think he will ever win another Major Tournament?  No!   But I hope he proves me wrong.

Until this week I did NOT know that dozens of Major Companies had ties with the National Rifle Association.
What it boils down to many of these companies now distancing themselves from the NRA since the Florida School Shooting.   Give me an F'N Break!  Most of these companies which are coming out Strongly Against the NRA, just offered discounts to their customers if they mentioned the NRA.   This is NOT costing the NRA a dime in 99% of these cases but is just a Self Serving PR Move by these companies.

One of the Survivors of the Parkland School Shooting, David Hogg has made a CRAZY REMARK.
He feels that "Tourists should stay away from Florida" until stricter gun control laws are passed.  Hogg, who's Father is a Former FBI Agent, thinks President Trump was to blame for the shooting, not the FBI.  He plans on staying out of school until stricter gun laws are passed.  Sadly, he may be receiving Social Security by the time that happens!

And finally, The Oscars awards are this Sunday night.  One of the most Liberal Political Late Night Hosts, Jimmy Kimmel will be hosting, which means I will NOT be watching. 
I am sure the show will be Three Plus Hours of Rants Against President Trump and Gun Control.  The Oscars were intended to be a Celebration of The Movies, NOT a chance to spew your hate.  This year the ONLY show that features Oscar I will watch is

I always Welcome your feedback at



Have a Great Week!

So Much Talent In Vegas

I know it has been a couple of weeks since my last blog.  I have been under the weather big time but am feeling better.  I also have an appo...