Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Back After Long Week Away

It has been over a week since my last post due to my Forth of July Week out of town in Suburban Kansas City to visit family.  With my Sister Lea Ann living in Suburban Chicago, me in Las Vegas and my other Sister Jane and my Mom living in Suburban Kansas City, it is tough to get us all in the same place at the same time.
Lea Ann teaches in Buffalo Grove, Illinois, Jane is Retired but keeps busy doing work for her Church and several other great charities and me being retired but I never seem to have any time.  For those still working, let me tell you that being Retired keeps you busier than when working!  ( Whew )

I had a Great Time with family as Lea Ann's Daughter Kristen and her Husband Bart were also there and they are always fun to be around!

Now that Lea Ann's Son Craig and his Wife Kelsey live in Las Vegas, I have been fortunate to see my Entire Family in the past two weeks.
I am Very Blessed!

I posted this on my Facebook and Twitter and am surprised I did not get more comments.

I wonder, with all the Court Rulings the past few years do we have "More Rights or Less Morality" in our country?

In the past Ten Years we have seen "Same Sex Marriage" approved, additional "LBGT Rights" approved and "Legalized Marijuana Sales" approved in many states.
I feel mine is NOT to Judge, I will leave that for their maker.  Those topics are CLEARLY stated in the Bible!  But on the flip side of that coin I also see a decline of Morality in this country.

I was talking to an 89 year old woman in the airport during my two hour delay coming home, and she had some "Very Firm" views on these topics.  She told me she was a lifelong Democrat but feels the party and former President Obama, had let her down when it comes to Morality Issues.   She reminded me of the day, not that long ago, when you could not even see a woman strip nude in an adult club.  You don't even want to know what she said about Gay Rights and Same Sex Marriage.

I have my views, which I have talked about several times in previous blogs, but again, like Everyone else, they will have to answer questions to their Supreme Maker when the time comes.

If you are looking for a fun and entertaining view on Las Vegas, I Highly Recommend "The Vital Vegas Podcast"!  You will get tips on where to eat, Vegas rumors and show recommendations.  You will find it here


It's worth an hour of your time.

I saw today where 60's Heartthrob, Tab Hunter has died at age 86.
He made several "B" movies back in the 60's and in 2015 came out as being Gay.

Over the weekend I saw a group of protesters "Demanding" that all "President's who owned slaves" should be taken out of circulation and replaced with other photos.
I AGREE 100%!  And I think you should purge your wallets NOW of these despicable bills!   And I feel you should take those bills and MAIL TO ME DIRECT to dispose!   Just e-mail me for the address to send.

President Trump nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh as the New Supreme Court Justice.  Within FIVE MINUTES there were already Protests outside the Supreme Court building and television ads running assassinating his past work and his family.  
Don't the Liberal Democrats realize that for every Resistance against the President they are costing themselves another block of voters in November?  Give it a rest!  Had President Trump nominated JFK I am sure Liberal Democrats would find fault.  
Liberals have NO SENSE Of Reason!  They would SCREAM about Slavery but yet never try to impose THEIR MORALS on Slave or Plantation Owners!   They are In Favor of "Rowe V Wade" but yet they recently agreed that "Life Starts With A Heartbeat In The Womb at One Month".  
Here is a little secret Liberals, YOU CAN'T HAVE IT BOTH WAYS!

What to hear a GREAT JOKE?
Hillary Clinton is planning to run again for President in 2020!   

With The World Cup of Soccer winding down, I found this funny!

Is it me or are there more and more dogs now on airplanes?
Just buy a "Service Dog" collar at Petco and your pooch is on!

I always Welcome your Feedback.



So Much Talent In Vegas

I know it has been a couple of weeks since my last blog.  I have been under the weather big time but am feeling better.  I also have an appo...