Monday, July 23, 2018

Why Do Liberals Always Call You Names?

No matter what you say that a Liberal Democrat does not like, they will call you a name.  I have been called a Racist for thinking Whoopi Goldberg was WRONG and was RUDE to Judge Peiro on her show. 

Reports say Whoopi told her to "Get The Fuck Out Of My Building" and then SPIT on Judge  as she was leaving!  But because I took the Judge's side, I am a Racist!   What is wrong with people?  She was an Invited Guest!  According to Whoopi, the Judge berated and cursed at the View Staff on her way out.  I think we will NEVER know what happened.

The entire interview is smelling more like a Set-Up by Whoopi and her Liberal friends.  But we will never know.

And you don't think the Mainstream Media is corrupt?  Look at this....
Same Day, Same Story, just Slanted for the Liberal part of the country.

The President is taking heat for his Tweet to the Leader of Iran.
This Iranian Idiot threatened the United States with "The Mother of all wars". because this guy must have spent all his President Obama money and wants more.   This is NO LONGER THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION!  You threaten the United States, then you will get a response back fro President Trump who will NOT back down.   Why do you think North Korea came to the table? 

At Mass over the weekend, I was "Curious" about where the Priest got his Holy Water?  So I asked!
He told me "It's just Tap Water."   TAP WATER I SAID?   And then he said "Yes, but I Boil The Hell Out Of It!"
Well, I did ask!

I have several Major Decisions to make so I decided to visit my local Psychic.  Well, SHE THREW ME OUT!
I guess it was my fault?  I said to her that she looked like she had put on about 100 pounds since I last got a reading.  I told her maybe she should "Quit calling yourself a Psychic and start calling yourself a FOUR-CHIN Teller!"  Some people just do not have a sense of humor! 

I saw this on a sign over the weekend.....
I was thinking, Maybe I Should Change My Name To "NOBODY"?

Sometimes I wonder about things?
If two Overweight People talk, is it a "Heavy Conversation?

I keep hearing and reading that MGM Resorts have seen a downturn in business since the One October shoot at the Mandalay Bay Resort.
That is sad as MGM Resorts did not Invite The Shoot to stay in their hotel.  Now their recent filing of the Lawsuit AGAINST those victims at the One October Shooting is an Entirely Different Thing!  Did they think there would not be a HUGE Backlash locally in Las Vegas?  What a Public Relations Nightmare!   I am sure in the end, Heads Will Roll at MGM Resorts!

From the "Are You Really That Dumb" catagory
I saw a lady in CVS "Tiptoeing" down one of the isles?
Curious me, I had to ask her why? 
She looked at me and said....
I was trying to be Quiet and Not Wake Up The Sleeping Pill!

And I leave you with this fact.
Everyone Knows The Speed of Light is Much Faster than the Speed of Sound.
That is why some people seem Bright until they Open Their Mouth!

Have a Great Week!

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So Much Talent In Vegas

I know it has been a couple of weeks since my last blog.  I have been under the weather big time but am feeling better.  I also have an appo...