Friday, December 8, 2017

2017 in Review

It is hard to believe that in just a few weeks we will ring in 2018.

Overall 2017 was a year where I saw my overall health deteriorate, but overall a good year!

At the end of each year I take a few minutes to update my "Facebook Friends" and remove the ones which I know have gone on to meet their maker.  This year I only had to remove One Friend whom I had lost to Heaven.

I lost a Dear Friend to Cancer.
I had known Mary Ellen for almost 30 years and a few months before she passed she told me "I am not afraid to die as I have found peace in God".  Mary Ellen's Daughter, Amy, was a Saint in my eyes as she took care of her Mom in her last year of life.

Thankfully, my Wife Sharon has now gone Five Years Cancer Free!  She is a Breast Cancer Survivor who, like any woman, has fears of recurrence when she has her six month Check-Ups, but  so far, so good.

I was thinking today that Life Is A Blur of Friends and Acquaintances.  Stop and think of all the people who have come in and out of your life.  Some were people who you thought would be lifetime friends, who now you have lost touch.  Others who you hardly know their names who have become people you depend on if for nothing else a smile on the bus or train, at the casino or at 7-11 or Starbucks on your way to work.

Prayers go out to those in the path of the Southern California fires.
Hundreds of homes are now GONE and Thousands of people have lost everything!   I can't imagine the hurt and pain they must be experiencing.

WHEN will the Liberal Democrats begin to SUPPORT our Goverment instead of Hider it?
I have a Dear Friend who post five or six Anti-Trump items on her Facebook EVERY F'N DAY!  Give it up I tell her.  She is a die hard Liberal who has cost herself Dozens of friends and just sounds like a Bitter Old Woman.

I get it that there are perhaps Millions of people who Do Not Like President Donald Trump, but as an American your are DESTROYING our Democracy by your Constant Resistance.  It is time to WORK TOGETHER to make a Better America.  What part of the Lowest Unemployment Rate in over 100 years and All Time Record Highs on Wall Street do you NOT Understand?  For the FIRST TIME in Over Ten Years the United States has had a 3% Growth Domestic Product for Three Consecutive Quarters.  The Three Quarters where President Trump is 100% Responsible!   These are things which put MONEY IN YOUR POCKET!

Can you believe they ads for the Summer 2018 Movie "Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom" have started to air?
That is SIX MONTH AWAY!  But it does look like a good movie!

WHY is Olympic Skier Lindsey Vonn STILL on the team?
Yesterday she said "Well I hope to represent the people of the United States, not the president," Then GET THE HELL OFF THE UNITED STATES TEAM!  And that goes for the rest of the Olympic Athletes who have also expressed this feeling.  It is called THE UNITED STATES for a reason.  And Lindsey Vonn, who had an affair with Golfer Tiger Woods trying to sound "So Pure" by her Anti-President Trump Remarks?  PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!  

And what kind of Lame Half Ass Remarks did Senator Al Franken make yesterday?
Did he ONCE show Any Remorse for what he says "He does not think happened" in his actions against women?   Hey Al, Remember this photo?
 And did Give A Date for his resignation?  No!  Does ANYONE think he is really going to resign?  No!

Read this if you want to know how his accusers feel about his speech!

Do not get me wrong, there is ZERO Tolerance for Sexually Assaulting Women, or Men as far as that goes.  But when women start "Faking Yearbook Comments" or "Remembering" events from thirty years ago, Enough is Enough!   That is not to say that Matt Lauer, Charlie Rose and others lost their jobs without reason.  I am sure that most men, including myself, have done or said things which would be construed as wrong, but so many of the accusations seem to be nothing but Political! 

And I am tired of hearing how President Trump said on  tape that he "Grabbed women's Pu$$y"
It was LOCKER ROOM TALK!  Not an Admission he did it!  Was it in Poor Taste for him to say?  Yes!  Was he even THINKING of running for President at the time?  No!  

It would be like me saying that I slept with Kim Kardassian.
Did it happen?  You be the judge!   

Did I ever mention that I met Porn Film Star Marilyn Chambers in her Hotel Room in Dayton, Ohio in 1982?
I was so young at the time!  This was in May of that year as I started growing my beard Thanksgiving Day 1982!  

We need to Clean Up Washington and as much as I hate this phrase, "Drain The Swamp"!   When we have Senators and Congressmen who have served over 20 years and are over the age of 80, can they REALLY RELATE?  This is why we need TERM LIMITS!

I propose:

One Six Year Presidential Term
( No, this is not real )
No More than Ten Years for Senators and Congressmen.

And this goes for State Governments as well!

My NFL Picks for the week.
Maybe I had too much Spiked Egg Nog?

Charlie Brown and I BOTH put up a President Obama Christmas Tree this year!
OK, so that is a lie
with my Wife Sharon out of town for the past month, those "Gift Wrapping Services" in the mall are lifesavers!  
I am about as Bad of Wrapper than
Flavor Flav!    Who use to live about eight blocks from me until the HOA ran him out!  They did not appreciate his Parties and Fireworks Displays so he moved!
His chicken places were Very Good but did not last.  The Best Thing about Flavor Flav is that you ALWAYS know what time it is when he is around!

And one more "Musical" Christmas cartoon.

On a final Serious note:

There are Hundreds of Thousands of Families who and not as Blessed as you and I who will NOT enjoy Christmas this year.   Here in Las Vegas, KLUC Morning Personality Chuck Buchanan is in the middle of his Christmas Toy and Bike Drive!
This is the 11th year he has broadcast high above the NV Energy Parking Lot on Sahara to make Christmas a reality for kids who otherwise would have nothing.  Twenty Four Hours a day now through December 12th.  In addition to bikes you can also donate New Un-wraped Toys, Gift Cards and Money.   If you can't make it in person, I encourage you to go to the website 
where you can also donate.  Even if it is $5, it will mean so much to a child who will not get a visit from Santa this year.

If you live somewhere other than Las Vegas, call the Salvation Army in your town to make someone's Christmas a reality this year. 

I always Welcome your Comments at



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