Friday, September 29, 2017

OJ: Not The Kind You Drink

By Monday, OJ Simpson will be released from a Nevada prison.
Mister Simpson, was convicted here for Armed Robbery in connection with an altercation at Palace Station Casino.  There are Very Mixed feelings on him receiving parole for this crime, but the long and short of it is, he has done his time and he deserves to be released.  There are those, including myself, that feel he Murdered Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown, but he was never convicted.  When it comes to that case, most feel the Prosecution "Botched" the trial, from the "If the glove don't fit, you must acquit"
To the overall handling of the case by the LA District Attorney. 

It was shocking news to many to hear the news that Playboy Magazine Hugh Hefner pasted away this week.
The man who many say w as responsible for the "Sexual Revolution" died peacefully in his sleep at The Playboy mansion in Los Angeles.  He was 91.

I have noticed that 99% of the "Hate Speech Remarks"  are aimed toward Trump Supporters, and are coming from Liberals.
The Liberals are the ones who are predominantly who are making the Personal Attacks and Rude Remarks.  If you look at the Riots which have broken out at "So-Called" Peaceful Protests which have been started by Liberal Agitators.   If you were 100% Honest with yourself, there has been a continued effort by the Liberals and The Democrats to Undermine this President.   There have even been Members of Congress and The Senate who have openly commented they will "Never vote for and oppose any bill or program which President Trump introduces."  Is this the way America is suppose to work?   What happened to Elected Politicians voting for what their constituents want?   I feel many of these long time politicians will find themselves Out Of Work come the 2018 Mid-Term Elections.
Had the ELECTED Senators voted the way their Constituents ASKED them to vote, we would have already had Health Care Reform.   Once again the Liberals say it will "Kill People if we get rid of Obamacare.....and....Millions will Not have insurance"!  Plain and simple, THAT IS A LIE!  The "Millions" who will no longer get covered are the ones who are now FORCED BY LAW to PAY for Obamacare who will CHOOSE NOT TO GET HEALTH COVERAGE.  I compare this to the people who CHOOSE not to get Homeowners Insurance.  You do so at your OWN RISK, if you have a fire or robbery and you lose Everything, it is a chance you CHOSE to take.  Same thing with Healthcare.  The United States is not here to pay 100% of your Health Insurance.
As much as Democrats and Liberals WANT you to believe, Healthcare IS NOT A RIGHT!   If that is what you believe then do you also think Uncle Sam should provide you with Free Car Insurance?   Free Electricity?  Free Food?

This reminds me of the people who "Every Single Day Since The Election" they post Anti-President Trump Articles and Liberal Opinion Pieces on Social Media.  Like my Mother always says, "LET IT GO"!  Your continued Spewing Of Hate toward our Legally Elected President does NOTHING, except drive friends away and make you look like a Sore Loser!  Hillary did NOT lose because of the Russians!  She lost because People Did Not Like Her!   And for those who keep using the CRAP REMARK about how "Three Million More People Voted for Her", Well, that is true.

Those Three Million Votes almost ALL came from California.  Arguably the MOST LIBERAL STATE in The Union!   Do you REALLY want One State representing The Entire Country?  That is why the "Electoral College" was set up, so ALL VOTES IN ALL STATES MATTER!

Sometimes you see a Bumper Sticker that you wish you had to hand out to Several of Your Friends.

More people Support our President than most of The Media realize.  But to support President Trump is to open yourself to Verbal and sometimes even Physical threats, trust me, I know First Hand when it come to that statement.  People I do not even know have threatened me for my writing and my views.  These are the Same People who Cry The Loudest when NFL Players are chastised for Kneeling During The national Anthem.
Remember the old saying "You Can't Have Your Cake And Eat It Too"?    It applies!

The Federal Government today sent out ICE to five "Sanctuary States"  and rounded up more than 500 ILLEGAL ALIENS.
All of those arrested and will soon be deported have COMMITTED FELONIES in our country.  Over 200 have been arrested for Rape.  Are you in favor of letting them stay?  Would you like them to live next door to you or your Daughter?   Also in the 500 were Convicted Murderers and Armed Robbery criminals.   These people had been sent back, sometime several times, and came back to America.  But cities like San Francisco, Los Angeles, Denver and others had chosen to WELCOME THEM BACK WITH OPEN ARMS and offered them Protection in their city.  Makes you NOT want to live in a Sanctuary City doesn't it?

I try to watch both CNN, MSNBC and Fox News so I can get "The Entire Story and Perspective" on the news.  One of my favorite shows on Fox News has always been "Outnumbered" as I feel they are always Fair to their guest each day and open to hearing all opinions.   I have Never been a big fan of Megan McCain, Daughter of Senator John McCain, but when she joined the show I welcomed her opinions. 
When she took "A Leave of Absence" to be with her Father who is battling Horrible Brain Cancer, I had so much respect for her for putting Family First.   But then Fast Forward two months and I was SHOCKED by the news she is joining the ABC's Anti-Trump Fest, "The View"
Has Megan McCain now joined her Father as a "Traitor To The Party"?  Don't get me wrong, Senator John McCain is a War Hero and has served this country as an Outstanding US Senator over the years.  But WHAT HAPPENED?  Now he seems Hell Bent on voting AGAINST what the people of Arizona want and AGAINST the Republican Party and President Trump.   As much as I pray for him in his fight with Cancer, I still see him as a "Traitor to The Republican Party and the People Who Elected him to The Senate."

Time for my NFL Football picks! 

Pick Wise, I have a Losing Record.  Real Money Wise, I am ahead about $120 thanks to my Round Robin Money Line bets.
This week I like

Atlanta over Buffalo
Cleveland over Cincinnati ( Hey one of them have to win )  Of the Bengals lose, look for a Coaching Change next Monday.
My Upset?
Carolina over New England  ( Tom Brady is Not the QB of years past )

After this week, the playoff picture will start to become clear.

Did you watch the New "Will and Grace" reboot?
It was Thirty Minutes of President Trump bashing.  Come on Hollywood!  We turn on the television in Prime Time to be ENTERTAINED!  Your Trump Bashing is NOT ENTERTAINING!

I predict Four Years from now, when President Trump is Re-Elected, the Networks will have suffered RATINGS FAILURE from which they will NOT be able to recover.
With all their Focus Groups and Studies, the Networks cannot accept there is a Silent Majority which are AFRAID to state their real feelings due to possible repercussions and violence.

A friend of mine asked me yesterday if I knew the difference between a "Tire and 365 Used Condoms?"
I said "That is Easy!  One is a Goodyear and the other is a Great Year"!

And finally

The Kardasians are All Pregnant!
The Better News?  I am NOT the Father of Any of the Babies!

I Always welcome your feedback



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