Sunday, February 11, 2018

Tired Of Hearing About!

Are you like me and there are just some things which you are "Tired Of Hearing About"?

Maybe I should put a "Disclaimer" on this blog?
I honestly do NOT want or try to offend anyone.  It just seems some people tend to believe EVERYTHING they see on CNN, MSNBC, FOX News and in all the newspapers.

Let me tell you a little secret, NONE OF IT IS 100% TRUE!  As a Free Thinker and someone who CARES about God, Your Country and Your Life, You need to do a little reading and come up with the Truth on your own.

I try to disseminate the "Bias Fake News" and the "Trump Troll Network News"  to try to come up with as close to Truth and Reality as the Law Will Allow! 

When I worked in radio,
one of the Most Clever Promo Lines we used on the station was
"The Longer You Listen, The More You Will Hear!"
I was always amazed when someone would come up to me at an event and say "You know Dan O, it really is true about your station that the Longer I Listen, I Hear More!" 

Yes, PT Barnum is alive and well in the New Millennium! 

We are just a couple days into the Winter Olympics and already I am tired about hearing the Openly Gay Athletes complaining about our Vice President!
Show Some Respect!  If you were competing for Russia or North Korea you would be sitting on your ass back in your home country disgraced and probably in prison!  I personally have No Issue with Gays, it is NOT my RIGHT to judge them, that is up to their maker when they die.  But you are MAKING A FOOL OUT OF YOURSELF AND YOUR COUNTRY by FORCING the World to hear your Anti-United States views!  There are countries which DO NOT ALLOW Gay Athletes on the Olympic Team!  Your are fortunate to live in such a Free Country!  It has not been that long since an Openly Gay Athlete in ANY Sport would not make a Professional Roster!   Enjoy Your Freedom, don't Make A Mockery of It!

It's like the team members of the Super Bowl Champion Philadelphia Eagles refusing to go to the White House because they do NOT like President Trump.
Twenty Years from now you will REGRET not going when your Grandson asks you "PaPa, did you get to go to The White House and meet the President?"

What are you going to say?  "No, I didn't like the man so I stayed home and played video games."   If you had the chance would you go meet The Beatles?  Or would you say, "I only like Hip Hop so I stayed home and played my Snoop Dog downloads."

I do not care if you Love or Hate the man residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Blvd, it is AN HONOR to meet a President of The United States!  How many people do you know that have ever even Seen The President In Person?  Much less meet a President!  As a member of the Media for over 30 years, I met President Ford and President Carter.  I have had the good fortune to see in person President's Trump, Obama, Clinton, George W Bush, Dwight Eisenhower and Harry Truman. 
President Truman was when I was about twelve my Father drove by the President's Home in Independence, Missouri. The President and Mrs Truman were out hanging their laundry on the clothes line in their back yard.

I am a firm believer that one should NEVER Pass Up A Life's Opportunity.  You Never know when you will have that chance again.

Now to the things I am Tired Of Hearing About!

Is it me or do the Olympic Mascots look like Yogi The Bear's little buddy Boo Boo Bear and Hello Kitty?

I am also tired of hearing about "Dreamers"!
Why should we Defend DACA?  They are in our country ILLEGALLY!
Why not defend Bank Robbers?
How about Rapist?  Murderers?  Car Thief's?

What is the difference?  They are ALL ILLEGAL!

President Trump made a More Than Fair Offer to give Amnesty to those brought to America by their parents illegally.

But of course Politics got in the way.  The Liberals will not agree to a Border Wall to keep Millions More Illegals coming into our country and end up taking our jobs and in many cases ending up on Taxpayer Funded Public Aid.  This is almost a Daily Occurance
These are NOT Skilled Workers.  These are the people who tell companies and local business they will work for Half the Legal Minimum Wage.  A Large Percentage cannot find jobs and many resort to Illegal Ways of Making Money such as Sex Trafficking or Selling Drugs.

I saw these signs this week and it made me think.
"Dreamers No Criminals"?  I tend to disagree.  You are here ILLEGALLY!   It is the "Deferred Action For Childhood Arrivals", not the STAY FOREVER Plan!   An OVERWHELMING NUMBER of those who came to America have not made a SINGLE EFFORT to become a United States Citizen!  There are Second and Third Generation Families living in Every City which Speak No English!  Here in Las Vegas we have several schools which teach Spanish Only!  As a Taxpayer why should I have to pay for someone's education who has No Desire to learn to speak the Official Language of The Country in which they live?  While I am NOT in favor of splitting up families, you have to ask what All Other Major Countries do with their Illegal Immigrants.  I will save you a "Google Search", They are JAILED and DEPORTED!

I am also Tired of Hearing About President Trump wanting a Military Parade!
Do we really need one?  The President needs to Focus on our economy and not Photo Opportunities!

And I am also Tired Of Hearing about the Russian Probe!
Don't you think with ALL THE LEAKS in Washington, if there was One Ounce of Proof that President Trump colluded with the Russians, we would have known by now? 

How many MILLIONS do we need to spend?

Let me state up front that I 100% Support The "Me Too Movement"!
We all know the "Dirty Little Secret" for way too long has been the Verbal and Physical Abuse of Women in the Workplace.  The one thing which "Troubles" me are those who have come forward fifteen and twenty years later for no other reason to Destroy someone's life.  How many Careers and Happy Marriages have been DESTROYED by this slew of long forgotten memories now coming to life thanks to "Repressed Memories". 

What if the shoe were on the other foot?  We ALL Have Skeletons In Our Closet!
What if well known person were to say that "Betty Smith was a whore in College and sold Drugs to support her own habit."   Or that "Betty was arrested for beating her kids, had five abortions and pimped her ten year old Daughter out to her Johns."  True or Not there would be a Majority of People who would believe All or Part of the accusations.  It would ruin Betty's life! 

Don't get me wrong, I Support those who have been wronged and think that type of behavior is DEPLORABLE!  But in our current climate where the media has the attitude of Shoot First and Ask Questions Later, perhaps a little more thought of the situation and the consequences should be given before making accusations.

Speaking of the Olympics, when you are watching and see an American competing do you get a feeling of Pride in the USA?  Perhaps my favorite Winter Olympic Sport is "Curling".
I stayed up all night on Friday to watch the American Mixed Doubles team from Wisconsin.  I will admit I was in tears when they lost their match to China and were eliminated from medal contention.  I never really understood the game until a non departed friend of mine dated someone of a past Olympic Team.  It requires a "Curler" to Master sliding an 8 pound stone down the ice and a "Sweeper" to move that stone into position to score with the 12 Foot Circle.  If you are fortunate enough to live here in Las Vegas, the International Curling Championships will be held here in October.  Twenty-Two Teams from All Over The World will compete in this elite competition.   Look for me in the stand at Center Court about ten rows up from the ice.   The United States still has opportunities at a medal in Men's and Women's Team and Single Competition.
Of course the "Live Curling" takes place for the most part in the middle of the night!  But I am retired so I'll be watching!

I was out at a social event this week when a regular blog reader asked me "Do you piss off a lot of your friends with some of your political views?"
I explained to him that I am Very Fortunate to have friends who, while Disagree 100% with some of my views, they also Respect My Views just as I Respect their point of view.  True friends do NOT make personal attacks!  If more of America RESPECTED Each Others Differences, Feelings and Beliefs, this world would be a much better place to live. 

Remember, HATE is a Learned Emotion where we are all born to Love! 

I did relate to him a recent threat which I had received.
A person who could only be described as a "Hard Core Liberal" sent me a direct E-Mail telling me how I was responsible for increasing Racial Problems and Millions of Americans Dying due to my support of President Trump!  WOW!  I thought!  I did not know I had that much power in America.  lol   He went on to let me know he was going to "Beat the S#IT" out of me and was going to "Bring his 44 Magnum and knock on my door and get rid of a  Conservative Trump Troll Assh#le ! "

Did it bother me?  A little, but I hosted a Conservative Evening Talk Show in Georgia back in the late 70's and being threatened was not new to me.  In fact, one night on the air my producer came running into the Control Room yelling "They are shooting at us!"  seems a listener with a different point of view decided to shoot out one of the windows in the Control Room. We were on the second floor and so there was no way he could hit us with anything except a little flying glass.  Honestly, I was down the hall in the bathroom as he fired during a commercial break.   To show you his mentality, he stuck around hoping for me to come out to see who was shooting.  Well, Mama did not raise no fool!  I stayed inside and on the air.  But the police did arrive to have a chat with the guy.

But I digress

I disused it with a former Law Enforcement Officer friend and after doing a quick background check, we both agreed this was some Hot Head with Nothing Better to do then to send ugly e-mails.  I was told that I could press charges but why give the man a bigger stage to rant.

The Election is OVER! 
And EVERYONE but Hillary KNOWS IT!  I get tired of her "Why I Lost Excuse Of The Week".  Move On Hillary!  Your family will NEVER Hold Any Public Office Again.

The SAME THING Goes for
The Bush Boys!

What this country needs is some Fresh Young Powerful Leaders!
I don't care if they are Republican, Democrat, Black, White, Chinese or Martian.  The thing I personally like about President Trump is that he has the BALLS to go up against the "Status Quo" and make changes.  While I DO Not Agree with everything he says and does, at least he is trying.

And think about this

Who was the last President which you AGREED with EVERYTHING he said or did? 

It's Time for New Leadership in America!

If you live in Clark County Nevada we have an "Outsider" running for Congress in 2018 in Michelle Mortensen.
Michelle was a Consumer Advocate for the Local CBS affiliate for many years and decided to Give It All Up to help not only Nevadans but America!

I do not usually endorse Political Candidates,  but I think this country Needs more people like Michelle Mortensen.

I do not know her personally and have never even met her, but as a former member of the media, I know the Sacrifice and what she Gave Up to run for office.   If you are so inclined, I encourage you to check out her website at

From my "What The Hell Is Going On" File comes this head scratcher.

There is an Apartment Complex where Fifteen of the Thirty Five Units, STILL have their Christmas Trees up!
Do they NOT KNOW It'S Mid-February?   Are they Lazy?  Are they hoping Santa will stop by again?
I guess when you stop and think about it, there are ONLY 318 Days Until Christmas 2018!

Have you started your shopping yet? 

And Finally....

Happy 82nd Birthday to Film Legend Burt Reynolds.
Back in 1990 I did Afternoons in South Florida.  One of the regular listeners to the station was Burt Reynolds who would on occasion call in to request a song.  Burt told me one afternoon of a new television series he was going to star called "Evening Shade".
He told me when it went into production he would call me and invite me to the first episode taping of the new series and we could make it a Station Promotion and bring some listeners along.  Always a man of his word, a couple months later I was off to CBS Television City in Hollywood to attend the star studded event and party afterwards.
In addition to the cast, all the "Bert Buddies" like Dom Delouise, Charles Nelson Riley, and Loni Anderson stopped by.  There were some also "Special Friends of Burt" like Dwayne Hickman ( Of Dobbie Gillis Fame ) and even Warren Beatty!  Burt and his Co-Stars could not have been nicer to both myself and the listeners who won a contest to also attend. He gave us all "Full Access" to the taping including having lunch with the cast at the CBS Commissary and admission into the "After Party".   Of all the "Movie Stars" which I have had personal contact, Burt Reynolds, By Far, had the Most Class!

Happy Birthday Burt!

As Always, I love To Hear From You! ( Preferably No Threats )



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